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A book for the public. New discovery. The causes of the circulation of the blood : and the true nature of the planetary system. Proposing, also, a natural adjustment of the measures of time and space, for parliamentary adoption ; and shewing how the above discovery may be applied to the further prolongation of health and life. |

A book for the public. New discovery. The causes of the circulation of the blood : and the true nature of the planetary system. Proposing, also, a natural adjustment of the measures of time and space, for parliamentary adoption ; and shewing how the above discovery may be applied to the further prolongation of health and life.

Main Author : Meadows, Alfred, 1823-1887  

Subject : Applied Science & Technology

Place : London

Publisher : A. Mead, Melton Street, Euston Square

Date of publication : 1848

Language : English

Page : 61

Serial no : 8257

Keyword : Blood -- Circulation

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